VMI Palampur

Visitor Guide

Family and friends play a pivotal role in the recovery of patients. Their emotional support, love and care can give the patients a confidence and optimism to recover faster. Thereby we encourage visitors to spend time with the patients. However, we also have to ensure that the patients are not disturbed and the visits do not come in the way of the prescribed treatment and daily schedule.

Please refer to the below points as part of the visitor’s guide and follow them.

1) Please restrict the number of visitors and help reduce disturbance and likelihood of infection.

2) Children below 12 years are not allowed to be in any inpatient area except under very special circumstances.

3) You are requested to maintain silence while in the hospital.

4) Kindly avoid using cellular phones, since this causes interference with sophisticated patient monitoring systems and causes disturbance to other patients.

5) Food and flowers from outside are not permitted in the hospital.

6) One attendant pass per patient is normally issued during admission. Paediatric and Suite Room patients will be entitled to two attendant passes.

7) Visitor cards are issued by security on producing of valid proof of patient identity.

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